Good packages

Data managment

  • reshape2 Useful melt() and dcast() function
  • dplyr Easy data managment
  • tidyr Successor of reshape2 to be used along with dplyr
  • readr Fast import of datasets
  • readxl Fast reading of .xls and .xlsx files
  • deSolve ODE solver
  • Rcpp Run compiled C++ code in R
  • zoo Useful na.locf() function
  • fmatch faster version of match()


  • manipulate Generate sliders as in berkeley madonna
  • Shiny Create web apps


  • diagrammeR Creation of network diagrams
  • ggplot2 Easily create nice graphics
  • lattice Alternative to ggplot2
  • ggvis Interactive ggplot2
  • Another interactive ggplot2
  • ggpairs Correlation matrices that look like ggplot2
  • gridExtra Useful functions for ggplot2 and lattice
  • latticeExtra Nice ggplot2like() function
  • xpose4 Diagnostic plots for NONMEM


  • knitr Create .html, .doc or .pdf while running R code
  • rmarkdown Use the mardown language in R
  • xtable Tables for Latex repports
  • ReporteRs Generate powerpoints from R

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